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Poziv za koncesije za javne garaže u Novom Sadu

16.12.2019. 07:00 07:00
Foto: Dnevnik (Branko Lučić)

Grad Novi Sad objavio je Javni poziv za davanje koncesije za projektovanje, izgradnju, upravljanje i održavanje javnih garaža na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada.

Na osnovu čl. 22. i 35. Zakona o javno-privatnom partnerstvu i koncesijama („Službeni glasnik RS”, br. 88/11, 15/16 i 104/16)






o b j a v lj u j e



(ŠIFRA: JP-K-2/2019-G)


1) Kontakt podaci Koncedenta:

Grad Novi Sad, matični broj: 08965498, PIB: 109924914, Žarka Zrenjanina 2, Novi Sad, internet stranica Koncedenta:, e-mail: [email protected], adresa za dostavljanje pošte: Služba za zajedničke poslove Grada Novog Sada - Sektor za javne nabavke, Novi Sad, Ulica Žarka Zrenjanina broj 2, kancelarija 35/II.


2) Predmet koncesije, priroda i obim koncesione delatnosti, mesto obavljanja koncesione delatnosti i rok trajanja koncesije:

Predmet ovog postupka davanja koncesije, odnosno javno-privatnog partnerstva sa elementima koncesije, jeste projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje četiri garaže na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada, s tim što svaka pojedinačna javna garaža čini posebnu partiju u postupku davanja koncesije.


Predmetna koncesija oblikovana je po partijama, i to:


Partija 1 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže u Ulici Modene

     Karakteristike planirane javne garaže:

  • u odnosu na nivo terena, garaža je podzemna (broj podzemnih etaža nije ograničen),
  • u odnosu na korisnu površinu, garaža je velika (bruto površina jedne etaže je približno 3500 m2);
  • kapacitet garaže je okvirno 100 putničkih automobila po etaži (preporuka dve etaže);
  • pristup garaži je iz Ulice Modene (iz smera Ulice Žarka Zrenjanina);
  • broj parcele: 225 i 7732/1, KO Novi Sad II;
  • kota terena 78.30-79.00 m n.m.;
  • maksimalni nivo podzemnih voda je 76.50 m n.m.


Partija 2 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže na uglu Uspenske i Šafarikove ulice

            Karakteristike planirane javne garaže:

  • u odnosu na nivo terena, garaža je nadzemna (Po P 4);
  • u odnosu na korisnu površinu, garaža je velika (bruto površina jedne etaže je približno 2100 m2 - ukupna površina garaže je oko 10.500 m²);
  • kapacitet garaže je okvirno 70 putničkih automobila po etaži (ukupno 350 putničkih automobila);
  • pristup garaži je iz ulica Pavla Papa i Šafarikove;
  • broj parcele: 10140/1, 10143, 10144/1 i delovi parcela 10140/2, 10141, 10142 i 10587/1, KO Novi Sad I
  • kota terena 79.00 - 79.50 m n.m.;
  • maksimalni nivo podzemnih voda 76.50 m n.m.


Partija 3 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže kod zgrade Pokrajinske vlade i Skupštine AP Vojvodine

            Karakteristike planirane javne garaže:

  • u odnosu na nivo terena, garaža je podzemna (dve podzemne etaže);
  • u odnosu na korisnu površinu, garaža je velika (bruto površina jedne etaže je približno 3000 m² - ukupna površina garaže je približno 6.000 m²);
  • kapacitet garaže je okvirno 90 putničkih automobila po etaži (ukupno oko 180 putničkih automobila);
  • pristup garaži je iz Banovinskog prolaza i iz Ulice vladike Platona;
  • broj parcele: 186, KO Novi Sad II;
  • kota terena 77.20 - 77.50 m n.m.;
  • maksimalni nivo podzemnih voda 76.50 m n.m.


Partija 4 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže na Trgu republike

            Karakteristike planirane javne garaže:

  • u odnosu na nivo terena, garaža je podzemna (broj podzemnih etaža nije ograničen, preporuka je dve etaže);
  • bruto površina jedne etaže je približno 7000 m2 (preporuka dve etaže, približno 14000 m2);
  • kapacitet garaže je okvirno 200 putničkih automobila po etaži, odnosno ukupno 400 putničkih automobila;
  • pristup garaži je iz Daničićeve ulice i Ulice Žarka Vasiljevića (pravac iz Ulice Žarka Zrenjanina);
  • broj parcele: 9427/1, KO Novi Sad I;
  • kota terena: 79.00 - 79.50 m n.m;
  • maksimalni nivo podzemnih voda 76.50 m n.m.


Projektovanje i izgradnja javnih garaža moraju biti urađeni u skladu sa urbanističkim planom. Javne garaže treba da budu projektovane tako da ispune sve zahteve modernog načina života, posebno sa aspekta savremene udobnosti, zdravlja, ekologije, bezbednosti i ekonomije.

Pored toga, javne garaže treba da budu projektovane i izgrađene u skladu sa konceptom racionalnog korišćenja resursa, topografije i očuvanja resursa, kombinovanjem lokacije u dizajnu originalnog terena koji treba stvoriti, skraćenjem ranijih etapa izgradnje, optimizacijom načina projektovanja u cilju smanjenja troškova gradnje i racionalnim korišćenjem resursa u cilju funkcionalnog smanjenja iznosa uloženih sredstava.

Treba predvideti i racionalno odvajanje pešaka i vozila, čime se obezbeđuje primenjivost voznog i pešačkog sistema, uspostavljanje ulaza i izlaza u skladu sa pravilima struke i standardima, čime se izbegavaju ukrštanje i preplitanje, kao i uspostavljanje inteligentnog sistema upravljanja parkiranjem, čime se ostvaruje princip inteligentne garaže.

Grad Novi Sad će obezbediti gradsko građevinsko zemljište za realizaciju ovog projekta javno-privatnog partnerstva sa elementima koncesije. Sama gradnja bi obuhvatila izgradnju objekta, uređenje, električno osvetljenje, dovod vode i kanalizacije, klimatizacije, kao i opreme za upravljanje i druge opreme koja je neophodna u skladu sa Važećim propisima.

            Namera Koncedenta je da sa izabranim ponuđačem kao privatnim partnerom – koncesionarom zaključi ugovor o javno-privatnom partnerstvu sa elementima koncesije, tj. Ugovor o koncesiji za projektovanje, izgradnju, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada, uz finansiranje u celosti svih faza od strane Koncesionara.

Koncesionaru se daje u koncesiju obavljanje koncesione delatnosti na period od 40 godina od početka Faze upravljanja i održavanja, odnosno na ukupno najviše 43 godine, računajući i Fazu projektovanja i izgradnje, u zavisnosti od ponuđenog roka za završetak Faze projektovanja i izgradnje. Rok za završetak Faze projektovanja i izgradnje računa se od dana primopredaje lokacije i traje najduže 3 (slovima: tri) godine.

Koncesionar snosi rizik u vezi sa komercijalnim korišćenjem predmeta koncesije. Koncedent ni u kom slučaju ne daje garancije da će Koncesionar, u uobičajenim uslovima rada, posredno ili neposredno, ostvariti povraćaj uloženih sredstava ili troškova nastalih u obavljanju Koncesione delatnosti, niti će biti odgovoran za bilo kakvu štetu koja bi po tom osnovu mogla nastati za Koncesionara. Zainteresovana lica su dužna da izvrše sopstvene procene, kao i da sprovedu sve potrebne provere kako bi se ocenila vrednost i isplativost koncesije.

Koncesionar je obavezan da obezbedi finansiranje Koncesione delatnosti, izradi tehničku i drugu dokumentaciju i pribavi neophodne dozvole, u skladu sa odredbama Ugovora o koncesiji, izvede građevinske i druge radove neophodne za upotrebu objekta, upravlja i održava javnu garažu, plaća Koncedentu ugovorenu Koncesionu naknadu, da preda javnu garažu Koncedentu po isteku trajanja Ugovora, kao i da obavlja i druge poslove u cilju obavljanja Koncesione delatnosti, u skladu sa Ugovorom.

Koncedent je obavezan da preda Koncesionaru lokaciju slobodnu od tereta i stvari i od prava trećih lica, kao i tehničku i drugu dokumentaciju, ukoliko je izrađena za lokaciju radi izgradnje javne garaže, i da pruža svu potrebnu pomoć Koncesionaru tokom svih faza projektovanja, izgradnje, upravljanja i održavanja javne garaže, odnosno tokom čitavog perioda važenja Ugovora.

Koncesionar ima pravo da odredi cenu korišćenja parking-mesta cenovnikom, uz prethodnu saglasnost Koncedenta, u skladu sa Važećim propisima, pri čemu je garantovana minimalna cena korišćenja parking-mesta određena na osnovu pretpostavki iz Koncesionog akta. Koncesionar može da utvrdi i drugačiju cenu u odnosu na garantovanu minimalnu cenu, u skladu sa odredbama predviđenim Nacrtom ugovora o koncesiji.

Koncesionar će za potrebe vršenja Koncesione delatnosti osnovati Društvo za posebne namene (u daljem tekstu: DPN) preko kojeg će izvršavati svoja prava i obaveze iz Ugovora.

Osnovni principi obavljanja Koncesione delatnosti i ciljevi koji se nastoje postići zaključenjem Ugovora jesu ostvarivanje i zaštita javnog interesa kroz unapređenje i osavremenjivanje organizacije stacionarnog saobraćaja u Novom Sadu, kao i obezbeđivanje odgovarajućeg broja parking-mesta, uspostavljanje efikasne i ekonomične organizacije stacionarnog saobraćaja kroz preuzimanje projektovanja, izgradnje, upravljanja i održavanja javnih garaža uz finansiranje u celosti od strane Koncesionara, prenos tržišnog rizika, operativnog rizika, rizika prekoračenja troškova izgradnje i drugih rizika na Koncesionara, uspostavljanje profitabilnog, efikasnog i optimalno organizovanog sistema poslovanja i upravljanja, kroz znanje i iskustvo Koncesionara.

Prilikom obavljanja Koncesione delatnosti, Koncesionar se obavezuje da se pridržava Važećih propisa. Koncesionar će biti dužan da plaća utvrđenu koncesionu naknadu za obavljanje Koncesione delatnosti. Koncesiona naknada će se plaćati godišnje. Način i rokovi plaćanja biće definisani Ugovorom o koncesiji, u skladu sa ponudom izabranog Koncesionara. Ponuđena vrednost koncesione naknade iskazuje se u procentima poslovnih prihoda DPN-a i njena visina će biti određena Ugovorom o koncesiji u skladu sa ponudom izabranog ponuđača.

Sva prava i obaveze Koncesionara i Koncedenta detaljno su uređene Nacrtom ugovora o koncesiji za projektovanje, izgradnju, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada, koji čini sastavni deo Konkursne dokumentacije.

Koncedent će obavljanje komunalne delatnosti upravljanje javnim parkiralištima, u delu koji se odnosi na upravljanje javnim garažama u okviru obavljanja Koncesione delatnosti, posebno urediti odlukom Skupštine Grada Novog Sada, u skladu sa Nacrtom ugovora o koncesiji i Važećim propisima.


3) Način i rok za podnošenje ponude:

Ponude, sa pripadajućom dokumentacijom, dostavljaju se poštom ili neposredno, na adresu: Služba za zajedničke poslove Grada Novog Sada - Sektor za javne nabavke, Novi Sad, Ulica Žarka Zrenjanina broj 2, kancelarija 35/II. Koverat mora imati oznaku: „Ponuda u postupku davanja koncesije za projektovanje, izgradnju, upravljanje i održavanje javnih garaža na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada – Partija broj ______ (šifra: JP-K-2/2019 –G) - NE OTVARATI“, a na poleđini naziv ponuđača i adresu, broj telefona ponuđača, kao i ime i prezime osobe za kontakt. U slučaju da ponudu podnosi grupa ponuđača, na koverti je poželjno naznačiti da se radi o grupi ponuđača i navesti nazive i adrese svih učesnika u zajedničkoj ponudi.

Ponuda mora biti sačinjena na srpskom jeziku. Postupak se vodi na srpskom jeziku. Ponuđač sa sedištem u drugoj državi može da priloži deo ponude u vezi sa dokazivanjem ispunjenosti traženih uslova i na engleskom jeziku.

Rok za podnošenje ponuda je 21. februar 2020. godine, do 10 časova.


4) Lični, stručni, tehnički i finansijski uslovi koje moraju da zadovolje ponuđači, kao i isprave kojima se dokazuje njihovo ispunjenje:

Učesnik u postupku dodele ugovora može biti svako domaće ili strano pravno ili fizičko lice, odnosno preduzetnik (u daljem tekstu: zainteresovana lica). Učešće u postupku dodele koncesije biće omogućeno svim zainteresovanim licima koja su preuzela Konkursnu dokumentaciju na način predviđen Javnim pozivom i koja su potpisala ugovor o poverljivosti. Ponuđač čija ponuda bude izabrana kao najpovoljnija odlukom o izboru najpovoljnije ponude, odnosno Koncesionar, biće dužan da, nakon zaključenja Ugovora o koncesiji, a u skladu sa Nacrtom ugovora o koncesiji i Važećim propisima Republike Srbije, osnuje društvo za posebne namene, preko kojeg će izvršavati svoja prava i obaveze iz Ugovora.


Pravo na učešće u postupku ima ponuđač, ponuđač iz grupe ponuđača i podizvođač, ako ispunjava sledeće uslove:


1) da je registrovan kod nadležnog organa, odnosno upisan u odgovarajući registar u zemlji porekla, kao aktivno pravno lice

Dokaz za pravna lica

Izvod iz registra Agencije za privredne registre, odnosno izvod iz registra nadležnog Privrednog suda ili drugog odgovarajućeg registra.

Dokaz za preduzetnike

Izvod iz registra Agencije za privredne registre, odnosno izvod iz odgovarajućeg registra.

Dokazi ne mogu biti stariji od dva meseca pre otvaranja ponuda.


Ponuđači, odnosno podizvođači, koji su registrovani u registru koji vodi Agencija za privredne registre ne moraju da dostave Izvod iz registra Agencije za privredne registre, koji je javno dostupan na internet stranici Agencije za privredne registre.

Ponuđači, odnosno podizvođači, registrovani u stranoj državi, dostavljaju dokaz o registraciji u odgovarajućem registru države u kojoj imaju sedište.


2) da on i njegov zakonski zastupnik nisu osuđivani za neko od krivičnih dela kao članovi organizovane kriminalne grupe, da nisu osuđivani za krivična dela protiv privrede, krivična dela protiv životne sredine, krivično delo primanja ili davanja mita, krivično delo prevare.

Dokaz za pravna lica

a) Izvod iz kaznene evidencije, odnosno uverenje nadležnog osnovnog i višeg suda, na čijem području se nalazi sedište domaćeg pravnog lica, odnosno sedište predstavništva ili ogranka stranog pravnog lica, kojim se potvrđuje da pravno lice nije osuđivano za krivična dela protiv privrede, krivična dela protiv životne sredine, krivično delo primanja ili davanja mita, krivično delo prevare. Ukoliko potvrda jednog od nadležnih sudova sadrži podatke iz kaznene evidencije i osnovnog i višeg suda, dovoljno je dostaviti samo tu potvrdu.

b) Izvod iz kaznene evidencije Posebnog odeljenja za organizovani kriminal Višeg suda u Beogradu, kojim se potvrđuje da pravno lice nije osuđivano za neko od krivičnih dela kao član organizovane kriminalne grupe.

v) Izvod iz kaznene evidencije, odnosno uverenje policijske uprave MUP-a, na čijoj teritoriji je zakonski zastupnik pravnog lica rođen ili ima prebivalište, kojim se potvrđuje da zakonski zastupnik pravnog lica nije osuđivan za neko od krivičnih dela kao član organizovane kriminalne grupe, za krivična dela protiv privrede, krivična dela protiv životne sredine, krivično delo primanja ili davanja mita, krivično delo prevare. Zahtev se može podneti prema mestu rođenja ili prema mestu prebivališta. Ukoliko pravno lice ima više zakonskih zastupnika, dužno je da dostavi dokaz za svakog od njih.

Dokaz za preduzetnike i fizička lica

Izvod iz kaznene evidencije, odnosno uverenje policijske uprave MUP-a, na čijoj teritoriji je rođen ili ima prebivalište, kojim se potvrđuje da nije osuđivan za neko od krivičnih dela kao član organizovane kriminalne grupe, za krivična dela protiv privrede, krivična dela protiv životne sredine, krivično delo primanja ili davanja mita, krivično delo prevare. Zahtev se može podneti prema mestu rođenja ili prema mestu prebivališta.

Dokazi ne mogu biti stariji od dva meseca pre otvaranja ponuda.


Ponuđači, odnosno podizvođači, registrovani u stranoj državi, dostavljaju odgovarajuće dokaze o neosuđivanosti izdate od nadležnog organa države u kojoj imaju sedište ili prebivalište.


3) da je izmirio dospele poreze, doprinose i javne dažbine u skladu sa propisima Republike Srbije ili strane države kada ima sedište na njenoj teritoriji.

Dokaz za pravna lica, preduzetnike i fizička lica

Uverenje Poreske uprave Ministarstva finansija da je izmirio dospele poreze i doprinose i uverenje nadležne uprave lokalne samouprave da je izmirio obaveze po osnovu izvornih lokalnih javnih prihoda (uverenja svih nadležnih lokalnih samouprava na kojima se vodi kao poreski obveznik izvornih lokalnih prihoda). Poreski obveznik koji je ostvario pravo na mirovanje poreskog duga, u skladu sa zakonom kojim se reguliše otpis kamata i mirovanje poreskog duga, dostavlja uverenje Poreske uprave Ministarstva finansija, odnosno nadležne uprave lokalne samouprave o mirovanju poreskog duga. Poreski obveznik koji ima pravo otpisivanja duga, u skladu sa zakonom kojim se uređuje privatizacija, dostavlja potvrdu Ministarstva privrede da se ponuđač nalazi u postupku privatizacije.

Dokaz ne može biti stariji od dva meseca pre otvaranja ponuda.


Ponuđači, odnosno podizvođači, registrovani u stranoj državi, dostavljaju odgovarajuće dokaze o izmirenju poreskih obaveza, doprinosa i drugih javnih dažbina izdate od nadležnog organa države u kojoj imaju sedište ili prebivalište.



Ponuđači, odnosno podizvođači, koji su upisani u Registar ponuđača koji vodi Agencija za privredne registre nisu dužni da dostavljaju dokaze o ispunjenosti uslova iz tač. 1) do 3), ali je poželjno da dostave dokaz o upisu u Registar ponuđača ili izjavu (u slobodnoj formi) kojom potvrđuju da su upisani u Registar ponuđača.


4) da je poštovao obaveze koje proizlaze iz važećih propisa o zaštiti na radu, zapošljavanju i uslovima rada, zaštiti životne sredine, kao i da nema zabranu obavljanja delatnosti koja je na snazi u vreme podnošenja ponude.

Dokaz za pravna lica, preduzetnike i fizička lica:

Izjava da je poštovao obaveze koje proizlaze iz važećih propisa o zaštiti na radu, zapošljavanju i uslovima rada, zaštiti životne sredine, kao i da nema zabranu obavljanja delatnosti koja je na snazi u vreme podnošenja ponude – popunjena, potpisana i overena pečatom - ukoliko se pečat upotrebljava (obrazac u sastavu konkursne dokumentacije).


5) da nad njim nije pokrenut postupak stečaja ili likvidacije, odnosno prethodni stečajni postupak.

Dokaz za pravna lica i preduzetnike

Potvrda Agencije za privredne registre da nad njim nije registrovan postupak stečaja ili likvidacije, niti je prestao da postoji usled sudske ili odluke drugog organa sa obavezujućom snagom i potvrda nadležnog privrednog suda da nad njim nije u toku prethodni stečajni postupak.


Ponuđači, odnosno podizvođači, registrovani u stranoj državi, dostavljaju odgovarajuće dokaze o postupcima stečaja ili likvidacije, odnosno prethodnog stečaja, izdate od strane nadležnog organa države u kojoj imaju sedište.


Ponuđač u postupku davanja koncesije mora dokazati i:


6) da ispunjava uslov finansijskog kapaciteta:


a) da je ponuđač u svakoj od prethodne 3 (tri) poslovne godine (2016, 2017. i 2018. godina) ostvario poslovni prihod od prodaje dobara i usluga u visini od minimum,00 dinara.

Dokaz za pravna lica:

Bilans uspeha za 2016, 2017. i 2018. godinu, na propisanom obrascu, sa mišljenjem ovlašćenog revizora,


Izveštaj o bonitetu za javne nabavke (BON JN) za 2016, 2017. i 2018. godinu, izdat od strane Agencije za privredne registre ili drugog nadležnog organa.

Dokaz za preduzetnike i fizička lica:

Potvrda o ostvarenom prometu kod poslovne banke za 2016, 2017. i 2018. godinu.


Ako ponuđač nije subjekt revizije u skladu sa Zakonom o računovodstvu i reviziji, dužan je da uz bilans uspeha, umesto mišljenja ovlašćenog revizora, dostavi odgovarajući akt - odluku o razvrstavanju u skladu sa zakonskim propisima.

Ponuđači sa sedištem u stranoj državi dostavljaju odgovarajuće dokaze u skladu sa propisima države u kojoj imaju sedište. Za strane ponuđače kod kojih su poslovni prihodi iskazani u stranoj valuti, za preračun u dinare će se koristiti srednji kurs Narodne banke Srbije na dan isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda.


b) da u periodu od 24 meseca pre objavljivanja Javnog poziva nije imao blokadu poslovnih računa duže od 5 dana uzastopno, niti duže od 10 dana ukupno.

Dokaz za pravna lica, preduzetnike i fizička lica

Potvrda Narodne banke Srbije o broju dana nelikvidnosti za traženi period.


Ukoliko je podatak o broju dana nelikvidnosti za traženi period dostupan na internet stranici Narodne banke Srbije, ponuđač nije u obavezi da dostavlja navedeni dokaz.

Ponuđači registrovani u stranoj državi, dostavljaju odgovarajuće dokaze o blokadi računa od nadležnog organa države u kojoj imaju sedište.


7) da ispunjava uslov poslovnog kapaciteta:

da je u periodu od 01. januara 2015. godine, do dana isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda ponuđač, kao investitor, finansijer ili neposredni izvršilac imao iskustva u:

- projektovanju i izgradnji najmanje jedne podzemne garaže kapaciteta minimum 100 parking-mesta (Partija 1, Partija 3 i Partija 4)

- projektovanju i izgradnji najmanje jedne podzemne ili nadzemne garaže kapaciteta minimum 100 parking-mesta (Partija 2)

kao i da se pokazao kao dobar privrednik u pogledu kvaliteta pruženih usluga, odnosno izvedenih radova i poštovanja rokova, tj. da je ispunjavao, odnosno da uredno ispunjava sve obaveze iz ugovora.

            Dokaz za pravna lica, preduzetnike i fizička lica

- Referentna lista - lista zaključenih/realizovanih ugovora u traženom periodu, potpisana i overena od strane ponuđača, dokumentovana odgovarajućim potvrdama o referencama na obrascu iz konkursne dokumentacije, uredno overenim i potpisanim od strane referentnih naručilaca. Referentni naručioci ne mogu biti fizička lica.



Uslove iz tač. 1) do 5) dužan je da ispuni svaki učesnik u zajedničkoj ponudi, odnosno svaki podizvođač, u zavisnosti od toga da li je u pitanju grupa ponuđača ili ponuđač podnosi ponudu sa podizvođačem. Ostale uslove učesnici iz grupe ponuđača ispunjavaju zajedno, tako da makar jedan od ponuđača ispunjava samostalno uslov ili da te uslove ispunjavaju zbirno, s tim što najviše tri učesnika u zajedničkoj ponudi moraju zajedno da ispune dodatni uslov pod tač. 6a) i 7).

Ispunjavanje uslova iz tačke 7) može se dokazivati i preko podizvođača.


5) Kriterijumi za izbor najpovoljnije ponude:


Kriterijum za izbor najpovoljnije ponude je ekonomski najpovoljnija ponuda, i sastoji se od sledećih elemenata kriterijuma:


Red. br.


Maksimalan broj pondera








U  K  U  P  N  O




            Koncesionar će Koncedentu plaćati godišnju koncesionu naknadu čija se vrednost, odnosno visina, izražava u procentima u odnosu na poslovni prihod DPN-a. Ponuda sa najvišim ponuđenim procentom poslovnih prihoda dobija maksimalan broj pondera (75 pondera).

            Ostale ponude se vrednuju po sledećoj formuli:


ponuđeni procenat iz ponude koja se rangira h 75

najviši ponuđeni procenat poslovnih prihoda


       Ponuđena visina koncesione naknade izražena u procentima poslovnih prihoda ne može biti niža od 10% poslovnih prihoda DPN-a. Poslovni prihod DPN-a se utvrđuje na osnovu završnog računa za prethodnu poslovnu godinu. Ponuda ponuđača koji ponudi nižu visinu koncesione naknade, biće odbijena kao neprihvatljiva.



Početak plaćanja koncesione naknade određuje se u odnosu na godinu u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja. Ponderi se po ovom kriterijumu dodeljuju na sledeći način:


Način plaćanja

Broj pondera

Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna četvrte poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna pete poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna šeste poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna sedme poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna osme poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna devete poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna desete poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna jedanaeste poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna dvanaeste poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja


Plaćanje prve godišnje koncesione naknade dospeva 30. juna trinaeste poslovne godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja



Početak plaćanja koncesione naknade ne može biti drugačiji u odnosu na ponuđene opcije, odnosno ponuđač mora započeti plaćanje koncesione naknade najkasnije od 13. godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja. Ponuda ponuđača koji ponudi drugačiji trenutak početka plaćanja, odnosno ponudi plaćanje koncesione naknade posle trinaeste godine računajući od godine u kojoj je započela Faza upravljanja i održavanja, biće odbijena kao neprihvatljiva.


Napomena: Zaokruživanje dobijenih pondera vrši se na dve decimale.


U slučaju da postoje dve ili više ponuda sa istim brojem pondera, kao najpovoljnija biće izabrana ponuda ponuđača koji je veći broj pondera dobio po osnovu elementa kriterijuma visina koncesione naknade.

Ukoliko se ni na prethodno naveden način ne može odrediti najpovoljnija ponuda, Koncedent će primeniti žreb kao način na koji će dodeliti Ugovor.

Koncedent će uputiti pisani poziv ponuđačima koji podnesu jednake ponude po svim napred određenim kriterijumima da prisustvuju postupku izbora najpovoljnije ponude, odnosno dodeli Ugovora, putem žreba.

Postupak žrebanja će se sprovesti javno u prostorijama Koncedenta, u Novom Sadu, Žarka Zrenjanina broj 2. Postupak će sprovesti Stručni tim Grada Novog Sada.

O postupku dodele Ugovora putem žreba Stručni tim Grada Novog Sada će voditi zapisnik. Stručni tim Grada Novog Sada će obezbediti tehničke uslove za sprovođenje postupka izbora najpovoljnije ponude putem žreba. Izvlačenje putem žreba će se izvršiti javno, u prisustvu ponuđača, i to tako što će se nazivi ponuđača ispisati na odvojenim papirima, koji su iste veličine i boje, te će svi papiri biti stavljeni u kutiju odakle će se izvući samo jedan papir. Ugovor će biti dodeljen ponuđaču čiji naziv bude na izvučenom papiru. Isti kriterijumi se shodno primenjuju i na rangiranje ponuda ostalih ponuđača. Ponuđačima koji ne prisustvuju ovom postupku, Koncedent će dostaviti zapisnik o izvlačenju putem žreba.


6) Datum dostavljanja obaveštenja o ishodu postupka:

Rok za donošenje odluke o izboru najpovoljnije ponude, odnosno odluke o poništaju postupka davanja koncesije, je 90 (slovima: devedeset) dana od dana isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda.


7) Naziv i adresa tela nadležnog za rešavanje po zahtevima za zaštitu prava i podaci o rokovima za njihovo podnošenje:

Postupak zaštite prava ponuđača regulisan je odredbama čl. 148 - 159. Zakona o javnim nabavkama (u daljem tekstu: ZJN).

Zahtev za zaštitu prava može da podnese ponuđač, odnosno zainteresovano lice koje ima interes za dodelu ugovora u konkretnom postupku i koje je pretrpelo štetu ili bi moglo da pretrpi štetu zbog postupanja Koncedenta protivno odredbama ZJPPK-a (u daljem tekstu: podnosilac zahteva).

Zahtev za zaštitu prava podnosi se Koncedentu, a kopija se istovremeno dostavlja Republičkoj komisiji za zaštitu prava u postupcima javnih nabavki (u daljem tekstu: Republička komisija), na adresu Nemanjina 22-26, Beograd.

Zahtev za zaštitu prava se dostavlja Koncedentu neposredno na adresu Koncedenta ili preporučenom pošiljkom sa povratnicom. Zahtev za zaštitu prava se ne može dostavljati putem elektronske pošte. Zahtev za zaštitu prava može se podneti u toku celog postupka davanja koncesije, protiv svake radnje Koncedenta, osim ako ZJN-om i ZJPPK-om nije drugačije određeno.

Zahtev za zaštitu prava kojim se osporava vrsta postupka, sadržina Javnog poziva ili konkursne dokumentacije smatraće se blagovremenim ako je primljen od strane Koncedenta najkasnije sedam dana pre isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda, bez obzira na način dostavljanja, i ukoliko je podnosilac zahteva u skladu sa članom 63. stav 2. ZJN-a ukazao Koncedentu na eventualne nedostatke i nepravilnosti, a Koncedent ih nije otklonio.

Zahtev za zaštitu prava kojim se osporavaju radnje koje Koncedent preduzme pre isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda, a nakon isteka roka iz člana 149. stav 3. ZJN-a, smatraće se blagovremenim ukoliko je podnet najkasnije do isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda.

Posle donošenja odluke o izboru najpovoljnije ponude ili odluke o poništaju postupka davanja koncesije, rok za podnošenje zahteva za zaštitu prava je 15 (slovima: petnaest) dana od dana dostavljanja odluke.

Zahtevom za zaštitu prava ne mogu se osporavati radnje Koncedenta preduzete u postupku ako su podnosiocu zahteva bili ili mogli biti poznati razlozi za njegovo podnošenje pre isteka roka za podnošenje zahteva iz člana 149. st. 3. i 4. ZJN, a podnosilac zahteva ga nije podneo pre isteka tog roka.

Ako je u istom postupku ponovo podnet zahtev za zaštitu prava od strane istog podnosioca zahteva, u tom zahtevu se ne mogu osporavati radnje Koncedenta za koje je podnosilac zahteva znao ili mogao znati prilikom podnošenja prethodnog zahteva.


8) Koncesija se daje u skladu sa čl. 35-41. Zakona o javno-privatnom partnerstvu i koncesijama, i ne sprovodi se u fazama.


9) Postupak se sprovodi bez pretkvalifikacije.


10) Sredstvo finansijskog obezbeđenja za ozbiljnost ponude

Ponuđač je dužan da uz ponudu dostavi sredstvo finansijskog obezbeđenja za ozbiljnost ponude u vidu bankarske garancije za ozbiljnost ponude u visini od:



Partija 1 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže u Ulici Modene

14.000.000,00 dinara

Partija 2 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže na uglu Uspenske i Šafarikove ulice

38.000.000,00 dinara

Partija 3 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže kod zgrade Pokrajinske vlade i Skupštine AP Vojvodine

12.800.000,00 dinara

Partija 4 - Projektovanje, izgradnja, upravljanje i održavanje javne garaže na Trgu republike

28.200.000,00 dinara


radi zaštite Koncedenta od:

a) rizika odustajanja ponuđača od date ponude i

b) rizika nedostavljanja Sredstva finansijskog obezbeđenja za ispunjenje obaveza iz postupka davanja koncesije.

Ako ponuđač podnosi ponudu za više partija, može dostaviti jednu bankarsku garanciju u visini zbira napred navedenog iznosa bankarskih garancija za sve partije za koje podnosi ponudu ili za svaku partiju pojedinačno.

Koncedent će prihvatiti bankarsku garanciju za ozbiljnost ponude izraženu u valuti evro (EUR), ukoliko iznos u garanciji, u dinarskoj protivvrednosti po srednjem kursu Narodne banke Srbije obračunatom na dan otvaranja ponuda, bude jednak ili viši od zahtevanog iznosa.

Bankarska garancija za ozbiljnost ponude mora biti izdata kao neopoziva, bezuslovna, na prvi poziv naplativa i bez prava prigovora, u korist Koncedenta, kao i da važi najmanje 15 (slovima: petnaest) dana duže od dana isteka roka važenja ponude. Koncedent će realizovati bankarsku garanciju za ozbiljnost ponude ukoliko ponuđač nakon isteka roka za podnošenje ponude povuče, opozove ili izmeni svoju ponudu. Ponuđač koji prihvati zahtev za produženje roka važenja ponude, mora produžiti i rok važenja bankarske garancije.

Bankarska garancija za ozbiljnost ponude, ako ne bude iskorišćena, biće vraćena ponuđaču najkasnije u roku od 10 dana od dana donošenja odluke o izboru najpovoljnije ponude, odnosno odluke o poništaju postupka davanja koncesije.

Podneta bankarska garancija ne može da sadrži dodatne uslove za isplatu, kraće rokove od onih koje odredi Koncedent, manji iznos od onog koji odredi Koncedent ili promenjenu mesnu nadležnost za rešavanje sporova.

            U slučaju da ponuđač ne dostavi zahtevano sredstvo finansijskog obezbeđenja za ozbiljnost ponude, njegova ponuda će biti odbijena zbog bitnih nedostataka.

            Ponuđači rezidenti dostavljaju garancije domaćih banaka, odnosno banaka koje imaju sedište na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Za ponuđače nerezidente prihvatljive su garancije stranih banaka koje imaju najmanji rejting A- (A3), a ukoliko strana banka ima niži rejting od traženog, ponuđač nerezident će biti u obavezi da uz garanciju strane banke obezbedi i kontragaranciju domaće banke.

            Ukoliko nerezident dostavlja garanciju strane banke prihvatljive za Koncedenta, potrebno je da istu dostavi preko korespondentne banke u Republici Srbiji.


11) Preuzimanje Konkursne dokumentacije

            Svako zainteresovano lice može preuzeti konkursnu dokumentaciju i njene priloge, bez naknade, dostavljanjem zahteva za preuzimanje konkursne dokumentacije na adresu: Služba za zajedničke poslove Grada Novog Sada - Sektor za javne nabavke, Novi Sad, Ulica Žarka Zrenjanina broj 2, kancelarija 35/II ili e-mail: [email protected], sa naznakom: „Zahtev za preuzimanje konkursne dokumentacije u postupku davanja koncesije za projektovanje, izgradnju, upravljanje i održavanje javnih garaža na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada (šifra: JP-K-2/2019-G)“. U zahtevu je neophodno navesti na koji način zainteresovano lice želi da mu Konkursna dokumentacija i njeni prilozi budu dostavljeni (poštom, ličnim preuzimanjem ili putem elektronske pošte), kao i podatke o kontakt osobi. Uz zahtev je neophodno priložiti i potpisan Ugovor o čuvanju tajne i poverljivih podataka u dva originalna primerka i izvod iz registra nadležnog organa, ne stariji od 30 dana, iz kog se vide podaci o zakonskom zastupniku, ukoliko je isti potpisnik ugovora. Ukoliko je ugovor potpisalo lice koje nije zakonski zastupnik, neophodno je dostaviti i ovlašćenje ili punomoć za to lice. Ukoliko je original dokumenata na stranom jeziku, uz original je neophodno dostaviti i prevod na srpski jezik overen od strane ovlašćenog sudskog tumača. Nacrt Ugovora o čuvanju tajne i poverljivih podataka može se preuzeti na internet stranici Koncedenta Koncedent će zainteresovanom licu dostaviti Konkursnu dokumentaciju najkasnije u roku od dva radna dana od dana prijema kompletiranog zahteva.


*Ovaj javni poziv objavljen je 12. decembra 2019. godine u „Službenom glasniku RS“.


Pursuant to Articles 22 and 35 of the Law on Public-Private Partnership and Concessions (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia“ no. 88/11, 15/16 and 104/16)







a n n o u n c e s



(CODE: JP-K-2/2019-G)


1) Contact data of the Concession Authority:

City of Novi Sad, reg. file no.: 08965498, TIN (taxpayers' identification no.): 109924914, Žarka Zrenjanina Street no. 2, Novi Sad, web page of the Concession Authority:, e-mail: [email protected], postal address: Služba za zajedničke poslove Grada Novog Sada - Sektor za javne nabavke (General Affairs Department of the City of Novi Sad – Public Procurement Sector), Novi Sad, Žarka Zrenjanina Street no. 2, office 35/II.


2) Subject of concession, nature and scope of concession activity, place of conducting of concessions activity and duration of concession:

Subject of this procedure is granting of concession, namely public-private partnership with the elements of concession, makes the design, construction, management and maintenance of four garages in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, providing that each individual garage makes a separate lot in the concession granting procedure.


The subject concession has been shaped in lots, as follows: 


Lot 1 - Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage in Modene Street

     Characteristics of the planned garage:

  • In relation to the ground level, the garage is underground (the number of underground floors is not limited),
  • In relation to usable area, the garage is large (gross floor area is approximately 3,500 m2);
  • Garage capacity is approximately 100 passenger cars per floor (two-floor recommendation);
  • Access to the garage is from Modena Street (from Žarka Zrenjanina Street);
  • Plot number: 225 and 7732/1, Cadastral Municipality Novi Sad II;
  • Terrain elevation 78.30 - 79.00 m asl;
  • Maximum groundwater level is 76.50 m asl.


Lot 2 - Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage on the corner of Uspenska and Šafarikova streets 

            Characteristics of the planned garage:

  • In relation to the ground level, the garage is above ground (Po P 4);
  • Relative to the usable area, the garage is large (gross floor area is approximately 2,100 m2 - total garage area is around 10,500 m²);
  • Garage capacity is approximately 70 passenger cars per floor (350 passenger cars in total);
  • Access to the garage is from Pavla Papa and Šafarikova streets;
  • Plot number: 10140/1, 10143, 10144/1 and parts of plots 10140/2, 10141, 10142 and 10587/1, Cadastral Municipality Novi Sad I
  • Terrain elevation 79.00 - 79.50 m asl;
  • Maximum groundwater level 76.50 m asl


Lot 3 - Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage at the building of the Provincial Government and Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

            Characteristics of the planned garage:

  • In relation to the ground level, the garage is underground (two underground floors);
  • In relation to usable area, the garage is large (gross floor area is approximately 3,000 m² - total garage area is approximately 6,000 m²);
  • Garage capacity is approximately 90 passenger cars per floor (about 180 passenger cars in total);
  • Access to the garage is from Banovinski prolaz and Vladike Platona Street;
  • Plot number: 186, Cadastral Municipality Novi Sad II;
  • Terrain elevation 77.20  -  77.50 m asl;
  • Maximum groundwater level 76.50 m asl


Lot 4 - Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage at Trg republike (Republic Square)

            Characteristics of the planned garage:

  •  In relation to the ground level, the garage is underground (the number of underground floors is not limited, the recommendation is two floors);
  • Gross floor area of one floor is approximately 7,000 m2 (recommendation of two floors, approximately 14,000 m2);
  • Garage capacity is approximately 200 passenger cars per floor, or a total of 400 passenger cars;
  • Access to the garage is from Daničićeva Street and Žarka Vasiljevića Street (direction from Žarka Zrenjanina Street);
  • Plot number: 9427/1, Cadastral Municipality Novi Sad I;
  • Terrain elevation: 79.00 - 79.50 m asl;
  • Maximum groundwater level 76.50 m asl.


The design and construction of public garages must be carried out in accordance with the urban plan. Public garages should be designed to meet all the requirements of the modern lifestyle, especially in terms of modern comfort, health, ecology, safety and economy.

In addition, public garages should be designed and constructed in accordance with the concept of rational use of resources, topography and conservation of resources, combining location in the design of the original terrain to be created, shortening the earlier stages of construction, optimizing design methods to reduce construction costs and rational use of resources for the purpose of functional reducing the amount of the funds invested.

Provision should also be made for the rational separation of pedestrians and vehicles, ensuring the applicability of the transport and pedestrian systems, establishing entrances and exits in accordance with the rules of the profession and standards, avoiding intersections and overlaps in such a way, as well as establishing an intelligent parking management system, thereby achieving the principle of intelligent garages.

The City of Novi Sad will provide city construction land for the realization of this public-private partnership project with the elements of concession. The construction itself would include the construction of the facility/building, regulation, electrical lighting, water supply and sewage, air-conditioning, as well as the management equipment and other equipment required in accordance with the applicable regulations.

The intention of the Concession Authority is to conclude with the selected tenderer as a private partner - concessionaire a public-private partnership agreement with the elements of concession, i.e. the Concession Contract for the design, construction, management and maintenance of a public garage in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, with financing in full at all stages by the Concessionaire.

The Concessionaire is awarded the performing of concession activity for a period of 40 years from the start of the Management and Maintenance Phase, namely for a total of 43 years at the most, including the Design and Construction Phase, depending on the proposed deadline for the completion of the Design and Construction Phase. The deadline for completion of the Design and Construction Phase is calculated from the day of handover of the site and lasts no longer than 3 (in words: three) years.

The Concessionaire bears the risk related to the commercial use of the Concession facility. The Concession Authority does not in any way guarantee that the Concessionaire will, in normal working conditions, directly or indirectly, recover the invested funds or costs incurred in the performance of the Concession Activity, nor will it be liable for any damages that may be incurred by the Concessionaire on this basis. Interested parties are obliged to make their own assessments, as well as to carry out all necessary checks to assess the value and cost-effectiveness of the concession.

            The Concessionaire is obliged to provide financing of the Concession activity, prepare technical and other documentation and obtain necessary permits, in accordance with the provisions of the Concession Contract, to perform construction and other works necessary for the use of the facility, manage and maintain the public garage, pay the Concession Authority the agreed concession fee, hand over the public garage to the Concession Authority upon expiry of the Contract, as well as to perform other activities for the purpose of performing the Concession Activity, in accordance with the Contract.

The Concession Authority is obliged to hand over the site to the Concessionaire free of burdens and things and from the rights of third parties, as well as technical and other documentation, if made for the site for the construction of a public garage, and to provide all necessary assistance to the Concessionaire during all stages of design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage, that is, throughout the entire period of validity of the Contract.

The Concessionaire is entitled to determine the price of the use of a parking space under the price list, with the prior consent of the Concession Authority, in accordance with the valid regulations, whereby the minimum price of the use of a parking space is determined based on the assumptions from the Concession document. The Concessionaire may also determine a different price from the guaranteed minimum price, in accordance with provisions stipulated in the Draft Concession Contract.

The Concessionaire shall, for the purpose of performing the Concession Activity, establish a Special Purpose Company (hereinafter: SPC) through which it will exercise its rights and obligations under the Contract.

The basic principles of performing Concession activities and the objectives that are pursued by the conclusion of the Contract are the realization and protection of the public interest through the improvement and modernisation of the organisation of stationary traffic in Novi Sad, as well as the provision of an adequate number of parking spaces, the establishment of efficient and cost efficient organisation of stationary traffic by taking over the design, construction, management and maintenance of public garages with financing in full by the Concessionaire, transfer of market risk, operational risk, risk of exceeding the construction costs and other risks to the Concessionaire, establishing of a profitable, efficient and optimally organised system of business and management, through the knowledge and experience of the Concessionaire.

While performing the Concession activity, the Concessionaire undertakes to comply with the applicable regulations. The Concessionaire shall be obliged to pay the determined concession fee for performing the Concession Activity. The concession fee will be paid annually. The method and terms of payment shall be defined in the Concession Contract, in accordance with the tender of the selected Concessionaire. The offered value of the concession fee is expressed in percent of SPC's operating income and its amount will be determined by the Concession Contract in accordance with the tender of the selected tenderer.

All rights and obligations of the Concessionaire and the Concession Authority are regulated in detail by the Draft Concession Contract for the design, construction, management and maintenance of a public garage in the territory of the City of Novi Sad, which forms an integral part of the Tender Documents.

The Concession Authority shall regulate specifically the performance of the communal activity of management of public parking lots, in the part related to the management of public garages within the framework of performing the Concession Activity, based on the decision of the City Assembly of Novi Sad, in accordance with the Draft Concession Contract and valid regulations.


3) Method and deadline for tender submission: 

The tenders, together with supporting documentation, shall be submitted by post or directly to the address: Služba za zajedničke poslove Grada Novog Sada - Sektor za javne nabavke (General Affairs Department of the City of Novi Sad – Public Procurement Sector), Novi Sad, Žarka Zrenjanina Street no. 2, office 35/II. The envelope must be marked with the text reading: „Ponuda u postupku davanja koncesije za projektovanje, izgradnju, upravljanje i održavanje javnih garaža na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada – Partija broj ______ (šifra: JP-K-2/2019 –G) - NE OTVARATI“ ("The tender in the procedure of concession granting for the design, construction, management and maintenance of public garages in the territory of the City of Novi Sad - Lot No. ______ (code: JP-K-2/2019-G) - DO NOT OPEN", and with the name of the tenderer and the address, telephone number of the tenderer, as well as the name and surname of the contact person at the back. If the tender is submitted by a group of tenderers, it is desirable to indicate on the envelope that it is a group of tenderers and indicate the names and addresses of all participants in the joint tender.

The tender must be compiled in Serbian language. The procedure shall be carried out in Serbian language. The tenderer with the registered office in another country may enclose a part of its tender related to evidences for fulfilment of the required conditions in English language as well.

The deadline for submission of tenders is February 21st, 2020 until 10.00 a.m.


4) Personal, professional, technical and financial conditions that tenderers have to fulfil, as well as the documents evidencing their fulfilment: 

Any domestic or foreign legal or natural person, namely entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as: interested persons) may be a participant in the contract award procedure. Participation in the concession award procedure will be open to all interested parties who have downloaded the Tender Documents in the manner stipulated by the Public Call and who have signed the confidentiality agreement. The tenderer whose tender is selected as the most favourable based on the decision on the selection of the most favourable tender, i.e. the Concessionaire, shall be obliged, after concluding the public contract, in accordance with the Draft Concession Contract and valid regulations of the Republic of Serbia, to establish its special purpose company via which it shall exercise its rights and obligations under the Contract.


A tenderer, a tenderer from a group of tenderers and subcontractor shall have the right to participate in the procedure if they fulfil the following conditions:


1) That it is registered with the competent authority, i.e. registered in the relevant register in the country of origin, as an active legal entity

Evidence for Legal Entities

Excerpt from the Register of the Business Registers Agency, that is, excerpt from the Register of the competent Commercial Court or other appropriate Register.

Evidence for entrepreneurs

Excerpt from the Register of the Business Registers Agency, i.e. extract from the relevant Register.

The evidence may not be more than two months old prior to the opening of tenders.



The Tenderers, namely subcontractor, registered in a register kept by the Business Registers Agency do not have to submit an Excerpt from the Register of the Business Registers Agency, which is publicly available on the website of the Business Registers Agency.

The Tenderers, namely subcontractors, registered in a foreign country submit proof of registration in the relevant register of the country in which they have their registered office.


2) That neither it, nor its legal representative have been convicted for any crimes as member of an organized criminal group, for commercial criminal offence, criminal offence against the environment, criminal offence of receiving or offering bribe, criminal offence of fraud


Evidence for legal entities 

a) Extract from the penalty records, namely the certificate of the first instance and higher court with jurisdiction in the area where the registered office of a domestic legal entity is located, namely where the registered office of the representative or branch office of a foreign legal entity is located, confirming that the legal entity has not been convicted for commercial criminal offence, criminal offence against the environment, criminal offence of receiving or offering bribe, criminal offence of fraud. If the certificate of the first instance court includes the data from the criminal records of both the first instance and higher court it is sufficient to submit only such certificate.

               b) Extract from the penalty records of the Special Department for Organized Crime of the Higher Court in Belgrade confirming that the legal entity has not been convicted for any crimes as member of an organized criminal group.

v) Extract from the penalty records from the competent police administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, confirming that tenderer’s legal representative has not been convicted for any crimes as a member of an organized criminal group, for commercial criminal offence, criminal offence against the environment, criminal offence of receiving or offering bribe, criminal offence of fraud. The application may be submitted according to the place of birth or place of residence of the legal representative. If the tenderer has several legal representatives, the evidence shall be submitted for each of them

Evidence for entrepreneurs and natural persons

Extract from the penalty records, i.e. certificate from the competent police administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, confirming that the tenderer has not been convicted for any crimes as a member of an organized criminal group, for commercial criminal offence, criminal offence against the environment, criminal offence of receiving or offering bribe, criminal offence of fraud. The application may be submitted according to the place of birth or place of residence.

The evidence may not be more than two months old prior to the opening of tenders.


The tenderers, namely subcontractors, registered in a foreign country submit the appropriate evidence confirming that they have not been convicted issued by the competent body of a country in which they have their registered office or residence.


3) that it has paid due taxes, contributions and other public fees in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Serbia or a foreign country if its registered office is located in its territory

Evidence for legal entities, entrepreneurs and natural persons 

         Certificate from the Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance that the tenderer has settled all due taxes and contributions and certificate from the competent local self-government department that the tenderer has settled its obligations under original local public revenues (certificates of all competent local self-governments where it is kept as a taxpayer of original tax revenues). The taxpayer who has been granted the right to repay the tax debt, in accordance with the law governing the write-off of interest rates and the standstill of the tax debt, shall submit a certificate from the Tax Administration of the Ministry of Finance, namely the competent local self-government authority on the repayment of the tax debt. The taxpayer who has the right to write off the debt, in accordance with the law governing privatization, submits a certificate from the Ministry of Economy that the tenderer is in the process of privatization.


The evidence may not be more than two months old prior to the opening of tenders.



The tenderers, namely subcontractors, registered in a foreign country submit the appropriate evidence confirming that they have paid taxes, contributions and other public fees issued by the competent body of a country in which they have their registered office or residence.



The Tenderers, namely subcontractors, registered in the Register of Tenderers kept by the Business Registers Agency do not have to submit the evidence on fulfilment of conditions referred to in Items 1) to 3), but it is desirable that they submit the evidence on registration in the Register of Tenderers, or a Declaration (in a free form) confirming that they are registered in the Register of Tenderers.


4) that he has complied with the obligations arising from the applicable regulations on occupational safety, employment and working conditions, environmental protection, and that he has no prohibition on performing the activity in force at the time of submission of the offer.

Evidence for legal entities, entrepreneurs and natural persons:

A statement that he has complied with the obligations arising from the applicable regulations on occupational safety, employment and working conditions, environmental protection, and that he has no prohibition on performing the activity in force at the time of submission of the offer - completed, signed and stamped - if a seal is to be used (form integrated in tender documentation)


5) that no bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings have been instituted against him, namely prior bankruptcy proceedings

Evidence for legal entities and entrepreneurs

Certificate from Business Registers Agency that bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings have not been registered against him, nor has it ceased to exist due to the court or decision of another authority with binding force and confirmation of the competent commercial court that no previous bankruptcy proceedings are pending against him.


The tenderers, namely subcontractors, registered in a foreign country shall provide appropriate evidence of bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, namely prior bankruptcy, issued by the competent authority of the country in which they are established.


The tenderer must also prove in the concession procedure:


6) to fulfil the condition of financial capacity:


a). that in each of the previous 3 (three) financial years (2016, 2017 and 2018), the tenderer generated operating income from the sale of goods and services in the amount of at least RSD 1,200,000,000.00

Evidence for legal entities:

Income statement for 2016, 2017 and 2018, in the prescribed form, with the opinion of a certified auditor,


The Public Procurement Credit Report (BON JN) for 2016, 2017 and 2018, issued by the Business Registers Agency or other competent authority.

Evidence for entrepreneurs and physical persons:

Certificate of turnover issued by the commercial bank for 2016, 2017 and 2018.


If the tenderer is not subject to audit in accordance with the Law on Accounting and Auditing, it is obliged to submit with the income statement, instead of the opinion of the authorized auditor, an appropriate act - a decision on classification in accordance with legal regulations.

The tenderers established in a foreign country shall submit appropriate evidence in accordance with the regulations of the country in which they are established. In instances of foreign tenderers whose business income is denominated in foreign currency, the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia will be used for conversion into dinars on the day the deadline for submission of tenders expires.


b) that during the period of 24 months prior to the announcement of the Public Procurement, he did not have a business account suspension for more than 5 consecutive days, nor for more than 10 days in total.

Evidence for legal entities, entrepreneurs and physical persons

The Certificate of the National Bank of Serbia on the number of days of illiquidity for the requested period


The tenderer shall not be obliged to submit this certificate if the information on the number of days of illiquidity for the requested period is available on the website of the National Bank of Serbia.

Tenderers registered in a foreign country shall submit appropriate evidence of account blocking issued by the competent authority of the country where they are established.


7) to fulfil the condition of business capacity:

that during the period from January 1st, 2015 until the expiry of the deadline for submission of tenders, the tenderer, as investor, financier or direct executor had experience in:

- design and construction of at least one underground garage with a capacity of at least 100 parking spaces (Lot 1, Lot 3 and Lot 4)

- design and construction of at least one underground or above ground garage with a capacity of at least 100 parking spaces (Lot 2)

and that he proved to be a good businessman in terms of the quality of the services provided, namely the executed works and compliance with deadlines, i.e. that he has fulfilled, namely duly fulfils all obligations under the contract,

Evidence for legal entities, entrepreneurs and physical persons

Reference list - the list of concluded / executed contracts in the requested period, signed and certified by the tenderer, documented with appropriate certificates of references on the form from the tender documentation, duly certified and signed by the reference contracting authorities. Reference clients may not be natural persons.



Each tenderer from a joint tender, namely each subcontractor depending on whether it is a group of tenderers or if a tenderer submits a joint tender with subcontractor is obliged to fulfil the requirements from items 1) to 5). The tenderers from a group of tenderers shall fulfil other conditions together, in a manner that at least one of the tenderers fulfils the condition separately or that they fulfil these conditions in aggregate, with a maximum of three tenderers in the joint tender having to fulfil the additional condition under point. 6a) and 7).

The fulfilment of conditions from item 7) can be proved through sub-contractors.


5) Criteria for selecting the most favourable tender:


The criterion for the selection of the most favourable tender is the most economically advantageous tender, and consists of the following elements of the criterion:

Ser. no.


Maximal number of weighting factors












       The Concessionaire shall pay to the Concession Authority an annual concession fee whose value, or amount, is expressed as a percentage of SPC's operating income. The tender with the highest percentage of business revenue offered receives the maximum number of weighting factors (75 weights).

       Other tenders are evaluated using the following formula:


The offered percentage from tender ranked by h 75

The highest offered percentage of operating revenues


       The amount of the concession fee offered, expressed as a percentage of operating income, may not be lower than 10% of SPC's operating income. SPC's operating income is determined on the basis of the balance sheet for the previous business year. The Tenderer’s tender that offers a lower concession fee will be rejected as inadmissible.



The beginning of the payment of the concession fee is determined in relation to the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began. The weights are assigned according to this criterion as follows:


Manner of payment

Number of weightings

The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the fourth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the fifth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the sixth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the seventh business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the eighth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the ninth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the tenth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the eleventh business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the twelfth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.


The payment of the first annual concession fee is due on June 30th of the thirteenth business year, starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began.



The beginning of the payment of the concession fee may not be different from the tendered options, namely the tenderer must start payment of the concession fee no later than the 13th year starting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began. The tenderers’ tender that offers a different moment of commencement of payment, namely offers to pay the concession fee after the thirteenth year, counting from the year in which the Management and Maintenance Phase began, will be rejected as inadmissible.


Note: The awarded weighting factors shall be rounded up at two decimals.


In case there are two or more tenders with the same number of weights, the most advantageous tender will be the one submitted by the tenderer who received a larger number of weights based on the element of the criterion in terms of value of the concession fee.

If the most advantageous tender cannot be determined in the above manner, the Concession Authority shall use the draw as the way to award the Contract.

The Concession Authority shall send a written invitation to tenderers who submit equal tenders by all the criteria specified above to attend the procedure for the selection of the most advantageous tender, namely the award of the Contract, by means of draw.

The drawing procedure will be conducted publicly at the premises of the Concession Authority, in Novi Sad, Žarka Zrenjanina Street number 2. The procedure will be conducted by the Expert Team of the City of Novi Sad.

The Expert Team of the City of Novi Sad shall keep a record of the procedure for the award of the contract by draw. The expert team of the City of Novi Sad will provide the technical conditions for conducting the procedure of selection of the most advantageous tender through the means of draw. Drawing by lot will be done publicly, in presence of the tenderers, by printing the tenderers’ names on separate papers of the same size and colour, after which all papers will be placed in a box from which only one paper will be drawn. The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose name is read out on a drawn paper. The same criteria apply accordingly to the ranking of the tenders of other tenderers. The Concession Authority shall submit the records of draw results to the tenderers who do not attend this proceeding.


6) Date of submission of the outcome notification

The deadline for passing of the decision on selection of the most advantageous tender, namely the decision to annul the concession procedure, is 90 (in writing: ninety) days after the deadline for submission of tenders has expired


7) Name and address of the body responsible for resolving claims for protection of rights and details of deadlines for their submission:

The procedure for the protection of the rights of the tenderers is regulated by the provisions of Articles 148 to 159 of the Public Procurement Law (hereinafter: PPL)

The request for the protection of rights may be submitted by the tenderer or interested person who has an interest for awarding the contract in the specific procedure and who has suffered damage or could suffer damage due to the actions of Concession Authority contrary to the provisions of the LPPC (hereinafter: the Applicant).

The request for the protection of rights is submitted to the Concession Authority, and a copy is simultaneously submitted to the Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures (hereinafter: the Republic Commission), at Nemanjina 22-26, Belgrade.

The request for protection of rights shall be submitted to the Concession Authority directly at the address of the Concession Authority or by registered mail with a return receipt. An application for the protection of rights cannot be submitted by email. A claim for the protection of rights may be filed during the entire concession procedure against any action by the Concession Authority, unless otherwise provided by the PPL and the LPPC.

A request for the protection of rights challenging the type of procedure, the contents of the Public Call or the tender documentation shall be considered timely if received by the Concession Authority no later than seven days before the deadline for the submission of tenders, irrespective of the manner of submission, and if the applicant in accordance with Article 63, paragraph 2 of the PPL, pointed out to the Concession Authority any deficiencies and irregularities, which were not remedied by the Concession Authority.

A request for the protection of rights challenging the actions taken by the Concession Authority before the deadline for submission of tenders expires and after the expiry of the deadline referred to in Article 149, paragraph 3 of the PPL shall be considered timely if submitted no later than the deadline for submission of tenders.

The deadline for submitting the request for protection of rights is 15 (in writing: fifteen) days from the day of delivering the decision after the decision on the selection of the most advantageous offer or the decision on annulling of the procedure for granting the concession is made.

The request for the protection of rights cannot challenge the actions of the Concession Authority taken in the proceedings if the applicant had or could have known the reasons for his submission before the expiry of the deadline for submitting the request referred to in Article 149 para. 3 and 4 of the PPL, and the applicant did not file it before the deadline.

The claim shall not challenge the actions of the Concession Authority of which the applicant knew or could have known at the time of the prior request if the same applicant re-files the claim for protection of rights


8) The concession is granted in accordance with Art. 35-41 of the Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions, and is not implemented in stages.


9) The procedure is executed without pre-qualification.


10) Financial security means for seriousness of the tender (tender guarantee)

The tenderer shall submit as part of the tender financial security means for seriousness of the tender in the form of tender guarantee of the bank in amount of:



Lot 1 – Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage in Modene Street

RSD 14,000,000.00

Lot 2 - Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage on the corner of Uspenska and Šafarikova streets

RSD 38,000,000.00

Lot 3 - Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage at the building of the Provincial Government and Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

RSD 12,800,000.00

Lot 4 - Design, construction, management and maintenance of the public garage at Trg republike (Republic Square)

RSD 28,200,000.00


for the purpose of protecting the Concession Authority from:

a) the risk of the tenderer’s withdrawal from the tender and

b) risks of failure to provide a financial security means for fulfilment of obligations arising from the concession procedure.

If the tenderer submits a tender for several lots, he may submit one bank guarantee equal to the sum of the above mentioned amount of bank guarantees for all parties for which he submits the tender or for each lot individually.

The Concession Authority shall accept tender guarantee of the bank, denominated in Euros (EUR), if the amount specified in the guarantee shall be equal or higher than the specified amount when converted in RSD at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia.

Tender guarantee of the bank must be issued as irrevocable, unconditional, at the first call collectable and without the right of objection, in favour of the Concession Authority, as well as valid for at least 15 (in letters: fifteen) days longer than the expiry date of the tender. The Concession Authority shall collect tender guarantee of the bank if the tenderer withdraws, revokes or changes its tender after the deadline for submission of the tender. The tenderer accepting the request for the extension of the validity period of the tender must also extend the validity of the bank guarantee.

Tender guarantee of the bank, if not used, will be returned to the tenderer no later than 10 days from the date of passing the decision on the selection of the most advantageous offer, namely the decision to annul the concession procedure.

The submitted bank guarantee may not contain additional payment terms, shorter deadlines than those determined by the Concession Authority, less than the amount determined by the Concession Authority, or changed local jurisdiction for dispute resolution.

In the event that the Tenderer fails to submit the required financial security means for the seriousness of the tender, his Tender will be rejected for substantial deficiencies.

            The residential tenderers submit guarantees from domestic banks, namely banks established in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The guarantees of foreign banks with the lowest rating A- (A3) are acceptable for non-resident tenderers, and if the foreign bank has a lower rating than required, the non-resident tenderer will be obliged to provide a counterparty guarantee of the domestic bank with the guarantee of the foreign bank.

            If a non-resident submits a guarantee from a foreign bank acceptable to the Concession Authority, it shall submit it through the correspondent bank in the Republic of Serbia.


11) Tender documentation take-over

            Any interested person may download the tender documentation and its attachments, free of charge, by submitting a request for downloading the tender documentation to the following address: Služba za zajedničke poslove Grada Novog Sada - Sektor za javne nabavke (General Affairs Department of the City of Novi Sad – Public Procurement Sector), Novi Sad, Žarka Zrenjanina Street no. 2, office 35/II or e-mail: [email protected], with reference: ″Zahtev za preuzimanje konkursne dokumentacije u postupku davanja koncesije za projektovanje, izgradnju, upravljanje i održavanje javnih garaža na teritoriji Grada Novog Sada (šifra: JP-K-2/2019-G)“ (″Request for taking over the tender documentation in the process of granting a concession for the design, construction, management and maintenance of public garages in the territory of the City of Novi Sad“ code: JP-K-2/2019-G“). The request must state how the interested party wants the Tender documents and its attachments to be submitted to it (by mail, personal download or by e-mail), as well as contact person information. As an integral part of the request it is necessary to enclose the signed Confidentiality Agreement in two original copies and an extract from the register of the competent authority, not older than 30 days, from which the data on the legal representative can be seen, if the same is the signatory of the contract. If the contract is signed by a person who is not a legal representative, it is also necessary to submit the authorization or power of attorney for that person. If the original version of the documents is in a foreign language, the original must be accompanied by a translation into Serbian language certified by a court interpreter. The draft of the Confidentiality Agreement can be downloaded from an Internet page of the Concession Authority The Concession Authority shall submit to the interested person the Tender Documents no later than two working days after the receipt of the completed request.

*This Public Call was published in the ‘RS Official Gazette’ on December 12th 2019.


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